
ACPHS的通识教育项目支持学院灌输价值观的使命, attitudes and skills that enable lifelong intellectual, 文化, personal and professional growth. Courses offered in the first two years expand the student’s historical, 文化, 文学, scientific and philosophical perspectives. 这些课程还培养对道德和人文价值的批判性评估, and emphasize the communication, 批判性思维和解决问题的能力,为学生在专业学科和文化能力方面的进步做好准备. Through its blend of required and elective courses, 学院致力于让学生接触世界的复杂性,并为他们成为有价值的参与者做好准备




  1. 在特定学科的惯例和体裁范围内编写和分析英语书面语言. 
    1. 利用语法、写作惯例和特定学科的体裁来促进和传达意思. 
    2. Create purpose-driven compositions, taking into account diverse audiences. 
    3. 演示使用写作过程,包括预写,起草和修改. 
    4. 有选择地吸收和正确地归因于他人的想法和写作. 
    5. Identify the thesis or purpose of a text 
    6. 批判性地评估文本中的语句如何支持一个论点,并通过整体结构相互关联和建立, 文本特征, and discipline-specific genre. 


  1. 使用数字和其他符号来理解和表达数量关系, employ quantitative methods, and draw inferences from mathematical models. 


2.能熟练地将相关信息转换成适当的数学形式.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words).  

2.3 Complete calculations to comprehensively solve problems. 

2.4 Use the quantitative analysis of data as the basis for judgments, drawing reasonable and appropriate conclusions from this work.


  1. 用科学的方法获取新知识:包括对问题陈述的识别, formulation and testing of a hypothesis, identification and control of variables, 实验设计, 以及对数据的解释,得出基于证据的结论,包括潜在的未来方向.

3.1 Utilize relevant observations for problem investigation. 

3.2 Construct an appropriate method of inquiry, developing a detailed hypothesis to include pertinent facts, considering multiple points of view.



3.5收集, review and analyze evidence to reveal important patterns, differences or similarities related to hypothesis.  


3.7 Extrapolate conclusions from generated data, considering opposing viewpoints and related outcomes that are identifiable.


  1. Determine the nature and extent of information need; find, 获取和批判性地评估信息,以达到特定的目的,并以道德和合法的方式使用信息. 

4.1 Define the scope of the information need.

4.识别与信息需求相关的关键概念或主要思想,识别信息来源的不同类型和格式, employing good judgment in the selection and use of sources. 

4.3 Determine appropriate keywords and related search terms, developing and executing effective search strategies using appropriate tools. 

4.4 应用 appropriate criteria to 评估 the reliability, 相关性, 权威, 发现的信息的准确性和批判性地评估来源的创造者, 包括语气, 主体性, 和偏见. 



  1. 应用适当的计算工具和电子资源来处理与数据存储相关的特定任务, presentation of information, 和组织.


5.2 Describe the basic security issues with various types of information, 信息使用, and information devices.  

5.3 Use online and electronic resources to communicate and collaborate. 

5.4 Use technological resources and applications to support personal, 学术, and professional productivity.  

5.5 Use technology to create presentational content that is equally accessible.


  1. 解释文化和人类经历内部和之间的多样性,并总结其对个人和社会的影响. 



6.3分析智力, 情感, and material elements important to members of at least one other 文化.

Social Justice, Equity, and Responsibility 读写能力

  1. Describe how social structures produce inequalities in 集团 outcomes, 和识别, 评估, and consider how various policies and practices alter these outcomes. 


7.2 Analyze at multiple levels (e.g., 个人, 集团, community) the impact of history, 文化, 机构, practices or policies on diversity and equity issues. 


7.解释多样性作为创造力源泉的潜力, 创新, and productive collaboration. 


  1. Analyze complex issues that have public consequences, participate in democratic discourse, 和识别 opportunities to help 个人s and improve public policy. 

8.1 Analyze knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from an 学术 study/ field/discipline, making relevant connections to civic engagement that has public consequences. 

8.2 Communicate in meaningful public discourse (i.e., 辩论, 游说团体, 提倡), showing ability to express, 听......, and take into account ideas and messages based on others' perspectives. 


Oral-Visual Communication 读写能力

  1. Produce and interpret spoken language and embodied communication, 包括准备好的演讲和即兴演讲,旨在增加知识, 促进理解, or promote change in the audiences’ attitudes, 值, 信仰, 或行为.

9.建立一种组织模式,增强信息的凝聚力. (i.e.,具体的介绍和结论,正文内的顺序材料,以及过渡)  

9.2 Choose language that is imaginative, accessible (e.g., translating jargon), and inclusive.  

9.3 Project confidence via delivery techniques (e.g., 体积, 眼神交流, 手势, 面部表情, 的姿势, 运动, 表达能力, 和速度). 

9.4 Use visual communication that supports the effectiveness of the message (e.g., slides data visualization, diagram, photograph, illustration).  

9.5 Practice active listening (e.g., 注意力, 开放的思想, and literal/critical comprehension) during oral presentations, 表演, 和/或分组.


GELOs -胜任力




Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving

  1. 识别和评估想法和信息,设计创新的方法来解决复杂的问题. Formulate responses to make informed, 理性的, and responsible decisions through the application, 合成, or repurposing of knowledge to implement solutions.


10.1 Describe the problem and assess information from multiple sources.




Values and Ethical Decision-Making

  1. Identify ethical problems and apply ethical principles, 值语句, and other relevant considerations and skills (e.g., critical thinking) in order to act prudently in a diverse society.


11.识别伦理/道德问题或价值判断问题,当出现在一个复杂的, 多层次的上下文.

11.3 应用 principles to the solution of an ethical/moral issue or question.

11.4 Evaluate responses to ethical/moral issues or questions (objections, responses to objections, 假设, 影响).


  1. 通过吸收不同的观点和建立共识,有效地与他人合作,实现共同的目标.


12.2 Integrate social skills (active listening, 同理心, 自我意识, 营造一个包容的环境,让人们可以轻松地分享和讨论不同的观点.
