
应用 As A First-Year Student

A group of students gather around table in Gozzo student center
How To 应用
Congratulations on your decision to apply to ACPHS!

We will guide you through every step of the process, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 

There are two options for applying as a first-year student to ACPHS; please select one:

Application Instructions

春季入学的所有一年级学生都可以选择SAT和ACT考试成绩, Summer and Fall 2025 entry terms. If you have already taken the SAT or ACT tests, we encourage you to submit your scores to enhance your application. If you're applying to joint programs, 你可能会被要求向其他大学提交考试成绩,作为申请过程的一部分.

日期 的最后期限
  • Early Decision (binding) Application 的最后期限  
  • 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)截止日期提前决定申请人
  • Early Action (non-binding) Application 的最后期限 
  • 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)截止日期提前行动申请人
  • Regular Decision Application Priority 的最后期限
  • 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)截止日期为常规决定申请人
  • Deposit and Enrollment Confirmation 的最后期限 for Early Decision 申请人
  • Regular Decision Notification
  • 提前行动和常规决定申请人的存款和入学确认

注意: After 2月1日, 申请将在滚动和空间可用的基础上进行考虑和接受.

Early Decision
招生办公室鼓励选择ACPHS作为第一选择的候选人根据提前决定计划申请. 提前录取是一项有约束力的协议,被录取的学生需要在2月1日之前提交入学确认书和不可退还的学费押金.

Early Action and Regular Decision
To ensure full consideration and a place in the incoming class, 我们强烈建议在11月15日(非约束性提前行动)或2月1日(常规决定)之前提交完整的申请。. Early Action applications will be reviewed prior to Regular Decision applications. 我们将在常规决定截止日期之后继续接受申请,只有在空间仍然可用的情况下.

Early Admission
在高中三年级结束时完成所有第一年入学要求的申请人将被视为与四年制毕业生相同的基础. 寻求联邦财政援助的学生还必须在申请截止日期前提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).fafsa.ed.政府.

An application for first-year admission is reviewed when the file is complete. Students may apply by submitting the First-Year Application or The Common Application.

The following materials must be sent to the Office of 招生:

  • 所有中学的正式高中成绩单,包括最近的成绩.
  • Official transcripts from any colleges or universities attended.
  • 春季所有ACPHS学位课程的SAT和ACT考试成绩都是可选的, Summer and Fall 2025 entry terms. (申请联合课程的学生可能需要向其他学院提交考试成绩,作为申请过程的一部分).
  • 英语作为外语考试(托福)或国际英语语言测试系统(雅思)的官方报告, 如果申请人的学习时间少于4年,并且以英语为教学语言. A minimum score of 84 on the TOEFL or a minimum of 6.5 on the IELTS must be achieved to be considered for admission.
  • 一(1)封来自学校官员的推荐信,如辅导员或老师. 科学或数学老师或熟悉候选人的人的推荐信是优先考虑的.

成绩单必须清楚地表明所获得的所有学分和成绩,并表明目前正在进行的课程. All transcripts must be official. 如果邮寄, 他们必须在密封的信封中提交,并在封口处加盖机构印章或官员签名. 不接受未在密封盖章的信封内的复印件和手持文件.

所有存款的学生都要在上课的第一天提交最终的高中成绩单. 未能满足这一要求将导致没收录取通知书.

Standardized Tests (Optional)

春季入学的所有一年级学生都可以选择SAT和ACT考试成绩, Summer and Fall 2025 entry terms. If 申请人 choose to submit official reports of standardized test scores, please follow the instructions below:

  • 第一年的申请者不需要提交SAT或ACT的官方考试成绩. ACPHS recommends, but does not require, 申请人提交可选的SAT论文和/或可选的ACT论文写作测试, as these may be used for course placement determinations. The SAT code for the College is 2013. The ACT code is 2672. If both SAT and ACT scores are submitted, the higher score will be considered.
  • 交存的学生可能需要在人文与通信系主任的要求下,在上课的第一天之前完成额外的写作评估.

Applicants must be at least 16 years old. 学习课程必须包括以下大学预科课程:

  • English, 4 years, 4 units
  • Mathematics, 4 years/4 units. Coursework must include logarithms and exponentials. Coursework may include precalculus, 统计数据, business math, 金融, an extended course sequence of algebra/geometry/trigonometry, or other math electives taken during a student’s senior year. Mathematics, 4 years (including pre-calculus, for select programs) 4 units
  • Science, 3 years (including chemistry), 3 units
  • Academic college preparatory electives, 6 units

注意: Physics and/or Calculus are recommended.

International students must also supply:

  • 托福(TOEFL)或雅思(IELTS)成绩, 如果申请人的学习时间少于4年,并且以英语为教学语言.
  • 世界教育服务(WES)提供的在美国以外完成的高等教育的完整的外国教育证书评估表.S.

Pending approval of the application, 录取通知书和财务声明和证明表格将被发送. 申请人必须立即将此表格连同不可退还的学费押金交回学院. 来自美国以外的国际学生需要支付学费 $200 SEVIS fee directly to the 政府ernment.

向学院支付入学保证金并提交支持性财务文件,学院将向申请人转发资格证书表格I-20A. This form is required for a visa. 国际申请者没有资格获得基于需求的联邦和州财政援助.

注意: 我们强烈鼓励学生熟悉教材的内容 College 目录 prior to enrollment.

Notice of Non-Discrimination and 第九条: 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院不存在种族歧视, color, 宗教, national origin, 性, 性ual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, place of birth, 祖先, 残疾, military status, veteran status, or age in its programs and activities with respect to students, 申请人, or employees. 根据第九条及其规定,学院不得有性别歧视, including but not limited to all forms of 性ual harassment and 性ual violence. Further information, including contact persons at ACPHS is available on the College's 第九条 webpage.



Office of 招生
106 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208